Monday, March 25, 2013

Allah is a lying god

The word Allah written in Arabic that it means to Muslims "GOD"

Muslims believe the Qu'ran contains God's words.

The Quran claims to be in pure Arabic speech:

We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran, in order that ye may learn wisdom. 12:2

"An Arabic Quran, wherein there is no crookedness..." 9:28

And We know very well that they say, "Only a mortal is teaching him." The speech of him at whom they hint is barbarous- and this is Arabic, pure and clear. 16:103

But according to Arabic scholars the Quran is not in pure Arabic, containing dozens of foreign words:

Abariq, 56:18, Persian

Adam, 2:34, Akkadian

Araik, 18:31, Persian

Firdaus, 18:107, Pahlavi

Fir'awn, 73:15, Syriac

Habr, 9:31, Hebrew (Haver)

Istabraq, 18:31, Persian (Istabar)

Sakina, 2:248, Hebrew

Sijjil (baked clay), 105:4, Persian

Taghut (idols), 2:257, Syriac (Teghutha)

Zakat, 2:110, Syriac (Zkhutha)

Zanjabil (ginger), 76:17, Pahlavi

Muslims respond by presuming that all living languages adopt words from other cultures, and it is therefore not an error for the Quran to contain foreign words. This argument only works in regard to imperfect human beings who continually adopt and adapt to other cultures and customs. This is even more so in light of the claim that the Quran is the eternal speech of God, i.e. that the Quran existed (on an eternal tablet) before the creation of human language. How can God's speech contain foregin words when these foreign languages did not exist in eternity?

P.S. To my fellow Christians who has a plan to join Islam, Will you join to a religion whose god to be worshipped is a liar? We know that liars' father is the devil as Lord Jesus the Messiah said that is written in the Bible in the Book of John Chapter 8 verse 44.

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